Tutorial: Hello World

Hello World

The forsta-messenger-client JavaScript API allows you to run and control a Forsta Messenger client inside your own website. Seamless integration is possible so your web application is instantly upgraded to have secure end to end encrypted messaging capabilities.

To get started you need to include the Forsta messenger client JavaScript file into your website. There are several choices for how you bundle or load the library. The simplest method is to add a <script> tag to your own HTML source that sets the src attribute to a publicly available distribution. We'll just use the GitHub hosted distribution for this example, but you could just as easily install the library from NPM and bundle the dist/forsta-messenger-client.min.js with your existing web JS.

        <script src="https://forstalabs.github.io/forsta-messenger-client/dist/forsta-messenger-client.min.js"></script>

Once the JavaScript library is included in your website you will have access to the forsta.messenger namespace in your window object. The first thing we want to look at is the forsta.messenger.Client class which is the primary interface for loading and controlling the messenger client.

We need to instantiate this class with a few arguments. The first is the HTML element where we should load the messenger. The second argument is a ClientAuth configuration object used for controlling user authentication (or creation). The third is a ClientOptions configuration object used for setting the client's initial state.

    <div id="my-messenger" style="width: 80%; height: 80%;"></div>

    const myClient = new forsta.messenger.Client(document.getElementById('my-messenger'),
                                                 {orgEphemeralToken: 'TESTING'},
                                                 {showNav: true, showHeader: true});

For more information on the org ephemeral token: https://app.forsta.io/authtokens

Now that your client is instantiated you should see a messenger loaded into the div tag provided in the first argument. The myClient variable provides access to events and control functions.

Sample code is available at: https://github.com/ForstaLabs/forsta-messenger-client/tree/master/examples/hello