Tutorial: Ephemeral User

Ephemeral User

Please see the Hello World Tutorial for initial setup of the Forsta Messenger Client. Complete code for this tutorial is available at: https://github.com/ForstaLabs/forsta-messenger-client/tree/master/examples/ephemeral

The Forsta Messenger Client can be used with two different types of users:

  • Ephemeral - Short lived users created via API or by authenticating with the Forsta Ephemeral Chat token
  • Regular Users - Users generated via the API without an expiration or at https://app.forsta.io

In this tutorial we will configure the client to create an ephemeral user who can chat with a regular user who has the tag @support.

We will start with the following base code setting up the Forsta Messenger Client in a hidden div. This prevents the user from seeing the client until setup is complete.

    <script src="https://forstalabs.github.io/forsta-messenger-client/dist/forsta-messenger-client.min.js"></script>

    <div id="my-messenger" style="width: 80%; height: 80%; visibility: hidden;"></div>

    const myClient = new forsta.messenger.Client(document.getElementById('my-messenger'),
      { orgEphemeralToken: 'TESTING' },
      { });

The Forsta Messenger Client includes several callbacks that can be configured when the client is initialized. In this case we will set the onLoaded callback to do the following:

  • Create a new conversation thread with a tagged users
  • Open the thread in the client
  • Display the client once the thread is available

First, create the onLoaded callback. It uses the threadMake command to generate a new thread between the ephemeral user and one or more users defined by their tags. For more information on using tags see TagExpression. Once a thread has been created, it opens the thread in the client window and changes the visibility on the div to be visible.

  async function onLoaded(client) {
    threadId = await client.threadMake("@support");
    await client.threadOpen(threadId);
    const messenger = document.getElementById("my-messenger");
    messenger.style.visibility = "visible";

Next, configure the client to use the callback by replacing the initialization script with the following:

  const myClient = new forsta.messenger.Client(document.getElementById('my-messenger'),
    { orgEphemeralToken: 'TESTING' },
    { onLoaded: onLoaded });

At this point, the code creates and logs in an ephemeral user and connects them to a messge thread with the user defined by the @support tag.

As a final step we can set details about the Ephemeral User. Add to the initialization script the settings for EphemeralUserInfo.

  const myClient = new forsta.messenger.Client(document.getElementById('my-messenger'),
    { orgEphemeralToken: 'TESTING' },
    { onLoaded: onLoaded,
      ephemeralUserInfo: {
        firstName: "Support",
        lastName: "Customer",
        salt: "1234"

Now, the ephemeral user will show up in the conversation as Support Customer. The salt should be set to a random uuid to guarantee a new user is generated for each ephemeral user.